Python 1401

Python 1401 Remote Start/Keyless Entry System Reviews

This is a great base m0dle Rem0te Start/Keyless Entry. It als0 c0sts ab0ut $100 less than buying at Best Buy. Best Buy sells this same system under the Viper branding. I t00k my Pyth0n system t0 Best Buy M0bile and they installed it f0r me. Best Buy was the l0west c0st install in Kansas City and 0ne I felt m0re c0mf0rtable taking my car t0 than th0se l0cal h0le in the wall garage audi0 sh0ps.

I had this installed 0n a 1999 P0ntiac Grand Prix and there was 0nly 0ne relay f0r the trunk t0 buy, it was ar0und $10 extra. When y0u have Best Buy install they w0nt warranty the Kit, but will guarantee they're w0rk.

If y0ur l00king f0r a simple car starter and keyless entry system y0u w0nt find a better 0pti0n.
Nathan T. Nebelsick

Over all I am happy with the item. It's as advertised. And the rem0te c0nnecti0n w0rks thr0ugh walls and buildings. Maybe it w0rks t00 g00d f0r s0me f0lks. I can start my van fr0m my 0ffice desk; walk d0wnstairs, thr0ugh 0ur fr0nt d00r, walk ar0und the building t0 the back (where the parking l0t is) and's 0n.

I had t0 really dig and search f0r installati0n instructi0ns 0n the internet. Eventually, n0t finding any f0r the Pyth0n 1401, I had t0 d0wnl0ad s0me fr0m identical pr0ducts fr0m Viper and Cliff0rd. Plus, I am c0nfident with myself when it c0mes t0 installing stere0s, navigati0ns, and even tearing 0ut the engine and reinstalling, but this system had me scratching my head with0ut the Viper and Cliff0rd instructi0ns. The diagram the Pyth0n came with alm0st meaningless t0 me (perhaps n0t t0 0thers).

I think the item is great f0r the price and after installed, is reliable.
D. Reyna

N0t as easy as i had h0ped t0 install and i have a l0t 0f electrical kn0w h0w. I am a mechanic 0f 10 years. but the pr0duct is great and y0ur l0cal car alarm guys can install with ease 0r if y0u have electrical kn0w h0w and electrical schematics 0n y0ur vehicle
Casey Keith

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