Avital - 4111

The Avital 4111 is a one button remote start system compatible with fuel-injected automatic transmission vehicles. It allows you to start your car and unlock the doors from far distances.

 Viper Avital 4111 Remote Start System - Black

3.7 stars, based on 12 reviews


This product works perfectly and has great range for a 1-way remote car starter. There is an upgraded remote for this product however that includes lock, unlock, and trunk release functionality that can be bought separately. Product is amazing!

There are lots of programming options you can enter into this device to customize how your car behaves when it is started remotely. The install is also extremely complicated and will require a complete wiring schematic of your car, without this it is foolish to attempt to install this product on your own, you will give yourself more headaches than what its worth. This is not a do it yourself project and after installing the product and experiencing the complexity I no longer think the $100 Best Buy asks to install this product is a ripoff it seems like a bargain. However, if you have the correct schematics and know how give it a shot and see if you can install it yourself.
If you are a technical person and familiar with electronics, you shouldn't have any problem hooking this unit up. It does't come with any step by step directions, but gives you enough info to get everything hooked up. The hardest part is finding the correct wires on your car to tap into. I was installing this on a 97 Honda Civic with no additional alarm or power locks, so this was pretty easy. This package comes with all wires needed unless you need a bypass transponder which I did not.

Everything worked as described, the only bad thing I can say is that the power led light did not work on the unit which took me a while to realize it was just the light and that it did indeed work.
Price: $32.99
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